Not sure what to do with the hair down there? Fortunately, you have a variety of styles and options to choose from. Here's a list of possibilities and how to pull them off.
Part One: Before You Trim
Part One: Before You Trim Steps 1
Go faux-natural. You can do some minimal maintenance on the area without making it look too manicured. Simply trim the hair evenly, leaving it in its current shape. The length is somewhat up to you, but you will be limited by how close to the skin you can get. Trim with scissors or an electric trimmer. To produce an even trim with scissors, consider running a comb through the hair and cutting against it (the way hairdressers do).
Part One: Before You Trim Steps 2
Try bikini-style. This is a low-intensity but beach-appropriate style. Trim the hair evenly, but shave anything along the creases of your legs (so that no hair sticks out of your bikini bottom, Speedo, boy briefs, etc.)
Nail scissors, which are small and ideal for sensitive maneuvering. If you can, buy a set with blunted ends. These can be found in the nail care section of most drug stores.
A small goatee, ear or nose hair trimmer, which should have a guard you can place over the blades to achieve uniform length. You can find these at most drugstores. Don't use an electric razor with rotating heads, which would be quite painful.
Embroidery scissors will work in a pinch. They'll be small like nail scissors, but be wary of the sharp points at the end.
Part One: Before You Trim Steps 3
Use a sharp razor. A dull razor will encourage itchy red bumps. If the hair is long, trim beforehand. Consider shaving with the direction of the hair instead of against it; though it takes longer, it also causes less irritation. Use a gentle, unscented shaving cream or gel.
Part One: Before You Trim Steps 4
Trim in a place that's easy to clean. Stand in the shower, or sit over the toilet. That way, clean-up simply consists of running the faucet or flushing.
Part One: Before You Trim Steps 5
Get a handmirror or a compact to check your undercarriage. It's hard to gauge progress you can't see, so take a small mirror with you to check up on how things are going.
Part two: Styles for Women
Styles for Women Steps 1
Go faux-natural. You can do some minimal maintenance on the area without making it look too manicured. Simply trim the hair evenly, leaving it in its current shape. The length is somewhat up to you, but you will be limited by how close to the skin you can get.
Trim with scissors or an electric trimmer. To produce an even trim with scissors, consider running a comb through the hair and cutting against it (the way hairdressers do).
Part two: Styles for Women Steps 2
Try bikini-style. This is a low-intensity but beach-appropriate style. Trim the hair evenly, but shave anything along the creases of your legs (so that no hair sticks out of your bikini bottom, Speedo, boy briefs, etc).
Give the hair an overall trim with scissors or an electric razor to keep the area sleek and swimsuit-friendly.
Remove the hair from the edges by shaving it, or using a depilatory chemical such as Nair or Magic Powder.
Part two: Styles for Women Steps 3
Try a shaped patch. This is a playful, sexy style leaves your entire pubic area bare except for a shaped patch directly above your genitals. Popular shapes include a small, downward-pointing triangle or a heart.
Give the hair an overall trim so that the shape can come through more clearly.
Shape the hair above the labia with a razor or wax.
Remove the hair around the labia with a razor, wax, or an epilator.
Part two: Styles for Women Steps 4
Do a landing strip. This is a provocative, hybrid style. Remove all the hair on the outskirts of your labia, leaving a thin rectangle along the slit.
Give the hair an overall trim so that the rectangle can come through more clearly.
Remove the hair on the outskirts of the pubic area with a razor, electric razor, wax, epilator, or, provided that you are careful about getting too close to your delicate membranes, depilatory chemicals.
Trim the hair on the landing strip to a uniform length.
Part two: Styles for Women Steps 5
Bare all with a brazilian. This is the classic movie-star style that leaves the entire pubic area bare.
Trim the hair to make it more manageable.
Remove everything by shaving, waxing or using an epilator.
Part Three: Styles for Men
Part Three: Styles for Men Steps 1
Go faux-natural. This is a good choice if you're just looking for some basic upkeep.. Simply trim the hair evenly, leaving it in its current shape. The length is somewhat up to you, but you will be limited by how close to the skin you can get.
Trim with scissors or an electric trimmer. To produce an even trim with scissors, consider running a comb through the hair and cutting against it (the way hairdressers do).
Part Three: Styles for Men Steps 2
Try boy briefs. This slightly higher-maintenance style is the male version of a women's bikini-style shave. Trim the hair evenly and shave anything growing along the creases of your legs (so that none sticks out of your boy briefs, Speedo, etc.)
Give the hair an overall trim with scissors or an electric razor to keep the area underwear-friendly.
Remove the hair from the edges by shaving it or using a depilatory chemical such as Nair or Magic Powder.
Part Three: Styles for Men Steps 3
Do a lion’s mane. This is a style that enhances your package. Remove the hair from the testicles and base of the shaft, but leave it everywhere else.
Remove the hair from everything but your upper pubic area using a razor or wax. You can tidy/trim the remaining hair if desired, but you may want to leave it as is for maximum effect.
Part Three: Styles for Men Steps 4
Make an arrow/landing strip. Draw the eye to your package with a distinctive line of hair. Leave your entire pubic area bare except for a downward-pointing arrow or thin strip above your genitals.
Give the hair an overall trim so that the arrow/rectangle can come through more clearly.
Shape the hair above the shaft with a razor or wax.
Remove the hair from everything but your upper pubic area using a razor or wax.
Part Three: Styles for Men Steps 5
Go brazilian. Leave your entire pubic area bare.
Trim the hair to make it easier to remove.
Remove all hair using wax (traditional) or by shaving (which will require more upkeep).
When you are finished your trim, splash cold water on any areas you have shaved. This closes the pores, which in turn causes less irritation after shaving.
Using your hands to stretch the skin in areas with loose skin or folds can provide a better, more comfortable trim.
If you plan to shave, be sure to rinse after each stroke and don't be afraid to change blades if you feel like the one you're using is getting dull. Pubic hair is coarse and will dull blades quickly.
After regular waxing or use of depilatory devices, it is said that the hair comes back finer and is less painful to remove over time.
If you want to keep larger areas bare for longer: Use a depilatory chemical for root-level removal. These products (Ex. Nair and Magic Powder) cause the hair to fall out from the root. As you can imagine, they’re also quite potent, making them problematic for sensitive areas. Consider using them on the fringes of the pubic area, but be advised against apply them directly to your genitals. Test on a less sensitive part of your skin before using.
Use wax or an electric epilator. You can do yourself or professionally or use an epilator such as the Epi-Lady; both methods pull hair out from the root but can cause extreme discomfort, especially if you have never done it before and aren’t yet desensitized.
For permanent results, invest in electrolysis or laser hair removal; these professionally performed treatments are expensive, often painful, and may take several treatments to completely remove all hair but will yield perfect, smooth skin.